Thursday 23 February 2017


           The Signs of Infatuation (2)
“The truth is I do love you. Admitting that means opening myself up to all that pain when you leave. After you realize this wasn’t love, but gratitude.”
Kelly Moran, The Drake House

                                   Rose and John
Narrator: Characters in this segment are Rose and John.

Rose is on her way home from work but her car breaks down on the way. She sees no one else to call except John, who she knows is in a business meeting.
Rose: (talks to him on the phone)...You don't have to worry John. I'll just find the fastest cab home.
John: You can't just leave your car in the middle of a busy and dangerous road. It's quite risky.
Rose: I'm very tired and famished. What I need now is a good rest after busy day. I'm not need for calling a mechanic or towing one car.
John: Okay, I'll be there in few minutes.
Rose: (frowns) What do you mean? You're having a business meeting which will promote the company you work. You can't just leave.
John: My first priority is protecting you and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'll be there with a towing van so that it would be taken to the nearest mechanic workshop. See you when I get there. (He hangs up before Rose can say another protesting word).

Hello fans of Love and The People and welcome to another edition of the lovely segment. The last publication talked about the signs of infatuation Part. 1. This week's publication will be the continuation of Signs of Infatuation. Happy Reading!

SIGN 6 You get really, really jealous
If someone talks to the person you are with, you become instantly jealous. You want to show everyone, including them, that they are yours. That jealousy is a sign of infatuation not love.
Love is not about being upset with the person because they are attractive, friendly, or popular. It is about feeling connected with them in a way that doesn’t make you feel like you are in a state of losing them to someone else. It is a confident feeling that you are bound to them in a special way and that they are so fond of you that they view you differently than other people.
SIGN 7 You Want To Take The Next Step
If someone talks to the person you are with, you become instantly jealous. You want to show everyone, including them, that they are yours. That jealousy is a sign of infatuation vs love.
Love is not about being upset with the person because they are attractive, friendly, or popular. It is about feeling connected with them in a way that doesn’t make you feel like you are in a state of losing them to someone else. It is a confident feeling that you are bound to them in a special way and that they are so fond of you that they view you differently than other people.
SIGN 8 You Are In Love With Superficial Things
I hear a lot of people say that they love the way someone looks or walks or talks or laughs, and claim that they fell in love with someone just by watching them. That’s impossible! You don’t connect to the superficial things in a person, you connect to the internal things, such as how they feel, what they believe, what their hopes and dreams are, and how they treat other people. If you love the way they sing or look, then that’s infatuation. If you know them on a deep and personal level, and appreciate those things, then that is love.
SIGN 9 You Obsess Over Them Leaving You
If they forget to call, you wonder if you did something wrong and if it will affect your relationship negatively. If they are not feeling good and don’t look at you the way they normally do, you question if they are going to leave you forever. These intense feelings can make you think you love them so much you don’t want to lose them, but really you are just being insecure. You are not confident in how they feel about you.
Love is confident. You feel secure in your relationship and understand that they have ups and downs and forget to do things once in a while. You don’t panic at the first sign of a frown or forgotten phone call, because you know that you have a bond that isn’t going to break so easily.
SIGN 10 You Expect Perfection
When you are infatuated with someone, you create unrealistic expectations about how they should act and how the relationship should go.
When you are in love, you accept that things can go wrong and you work on making them better. The down times are how you learn to interact with each other in a compromising way. The down times teach you that you are human, and so is your partner, and that you are capable of working together to a happier and healthier relationship.
 Next week's topic will on The Signs of Infatuation Part 3. Please, send in your view on this topic to to have your name published in the next segment.
Also, if you want your love poems to be posted on this segment, send your best of poems to the same mail box for viewers to appreciate you.
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                                                                                                                                    To Be Continued...




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