Wednesday 19 October 2016

Morning Cheesecake

Hey everyone. I hope your week is going as good as ever. Alright, it's Wednesday again and we can all see that the month of October is waiting for no one. Time is really tickling faster than ever so why don't you do that stuff you always procrastinate. Time is the only thing that moves and never returns which makes it our most important asset. Let's learn to manage our time efficiently.
Today's gonna be a hilarious one for me. I've got to pack all our belongings to our residence because I'm moving to a different city....old time memories would be left. Today's also the deadline for the short story I've got to write and there's quite an addicting novel that keeps me glued to my phone these days. But as always, I wish the best of today.
Don't forget to send a personal mail to to be part of the Cups of Coffee with Four segment coming soon. Watch out for more enticing sections on the Nitty Wall coming really soon.
Have a blastful Wednesday!



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